Saturday, May 07, 2005

Introversion is a pain in my butt.

Yeah, that's about all. I don't get why I have so much trouble making good friends that are more than just acquaintances. I have them, so you would think I could figure out how to acquire more, but for some reason, I can't. Or don't. Or something. I spent a lovely evening at my friend Corine's apartment with some other people from school and I just can't really figure out why I don't spend more time with these people. I like them, and they at least seem to like me. Maybe it's because I live farther away. Maybe it's because I have a boyfriend. Maybe it's because I don't have things to invite them to. I have no idea. I don't like it. I want to be good at making friends! grr!

Side note: a very good introversion book-- The Introvert Advantage. I love it.

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